Friday, May 7, 2010

Pinkies know how to Party!

We had our Canada  "farewell" dinner last night at the Moreton Bay Boat Club and I think it's safe to say all the Members, Family and Friends had a great time.  There'll be picture evidence coming very soon! 

Thanks to the fabulous efforts of our two members Sonia Anger and Lyn Grigg for organising it all.

The meal was lovely and we all enjoyed the dancing, hugging and singing after.  I'm sure the whole of Scarborough would have heard us!  Look out Canada,  the girls are all in fine form!  I think I know which two we'll be dragging off the dancefloor over there too.......hey Rosie and Maureen! ;o)

Exciting news that Rosie Bozzie and Barbara Tolhurst have been chosen to paddle in the Sandy Smith Global Race as representatives of our team.  This is a very special race honoring Sandy Smith and her contributions to breast cancer dragon boat racing.  Click the link for more information on this race

And didn't we all look stunning in our new Team Uniforms too.  Thanks to Bendigo Community Bank Margate branch for sponsoring.

Sorry my pic is not very good from my phone but i've been promised lots to come from all our budding photographers there last night!  

xoxo Jules

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