Friday, May 21, 2010

Snapdragons walk the Mother's Day Classic

We have been doing a few things other than fundraising for Canada.  On Mothers day a group of us took to the streets of South Bank in Brisbane.  We did the 4.5km walk for the Mother's Day Classic which raised funds for the National Breast Cancer Foundation to promote research into breast cancer prevention and treatment.  

Of course we did it in the loudest and brightest possible way!  The only way we like to do things! :)

We wore our beautiful new club uniforms and made sure everyone knew we were a team of breast cancer survivors and supporters.  We certainly got a lot of attention as you can see from the photos of the day.

A big thanks to our member Del for encouraging us all to join her this year.  I'm pretty sure we'll be back bigger and better next year!  Check out their website.

xoxo Jules

Aren't we gorgeous!!!

Del, our organiser!

We don't like attention (much!)

Yay! We Finished!

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