Monday, October 25, 2010

Relay for Life - 16 & 17 October 2010

We've done it!  another Relay for Life 18 hour challenge completed!  After our usual venue was rained out, we transferred to the Redcliffe Showgrounds and a fun but tiring weekend was had by all.  It was a very, very long and very, very cold night but worthwhile in the end.  So far over $25,000 has been raised by all of the Redcliffe teams for the Queensland Cancer Council, with more to be banked still in the coming weeks.  A terrific effort!  

The Pinksnapdragons won the best themed tent award again this year.  Back-to-back winners will make it a tough challenge to win again next year!

A big cheer to all who came along, especially to Marla for bringing the wonderful pot of hot soup during the cold night and the even better hot chocolates the next morning (yummmmm!).  Also to Maureen for all the food and the camp stove and kettle (came in very handy!), to Trish for making our "big bra's" (I think they helped us win!) and Fran and Jane for making our "Dragon Tails" (they are so cute!).

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