Friday, July 29, 2011

Cooloola Dragons Regatta - Tin Can Bay - 23 & 24 July 2011

Another fantastic weekend away in Tin Can Bay for the Cooloola Dragons Regatta, the first regatta of the season.  As usual there was a lot of fun and laughter whenever the Snapdragons are around!  Looking forward to next year already!  

We registered two Snapdragon teams this year,  a Survivor team for the "Pink" races and a Mixed "B" team.  It was so fantastic to be able to paddle as a sports team again with a mix of survivors and supporters.  Both teams had great races and fantastic times.

The Mixed team came a very close 2nd to DA Gold Coast (by only 0.46 seconds) in the Division "B" Plate Final and our awesome Survivor team made the Pink Grand Final against MBT and were just pipped at the post by only 0.50 of a second!

Training, training, training and we'll be 1st next time!!!

Dinner saturday night at the Country Club was enjoyed by all,  with a fierce pool comp finishing off the night.  But sunday night drinkies produced the most laughs (and surprises! shhhh what happens in TCB stays in TCB!!! hehehe).
The gorgeous "Mr Percival"

Do you think they like pink??? ;-)

Someone didn't sink any balls during this game.....we all know what the penalty is for that now!!

Our amazing Survivors Pink Team!

The very cool Mixed "B" Team

Go Snapdragons!


So Close!!! We'll get em next time!

Where's my lollies!!

The sneaky sandbar strikes again!  Luckily not our team this year!

Ah two are NOT designing our next team uniform! ;-)

With many thanks to Grant Rasmussen and Lyn Grigg for the extra photos!

xoxo Jules

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