Friday, June 18, 2010

Picture Post - Cedric's adventures

I know you've all be waiting for this so here it is.............
The Canadian Adventures of Cedric the Dragon!

On the plane to Canada!  Cedric liked to check how much further we had to go.

Cedric met lots of nice people on the Pub Crawl.

Cheering the girls on at their training session.

Natas Cafe in Peterborough.  The nicest coffee Cedric found.

Cedric loves Pie!!!  4 fruit pie with cookie dough vanilla icecream at Natas.

On the bus with Jane and Lyn.  Going shopping at Sears.

Cedric had a lot of fun on the Peterborough Lift Lock boat tour.

Walking with Maz and Donna in the Parade.

Cedric (and Julie) met a lovely policeman walking in the parade.

Cedric with "his girls" after first day of regatta.

Cedric enjoyed the special Gala Dinner on saturday night.  Especially the wine and chocolates!

Cheering the girls on for the semi-final race.

On the bus to Niagara with Denise.  It was too cold and wet for Cedric so he stayed on the bus to sleep.

He did manage to meet a Canadian Mountie though!

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