Friday, February 18, 2011

Chinese New Year Sydney - 12 & 13 February 2011

Wow! what a fantastic weekend just gone.  Congratulations Snapdragons on 4th in the Major Final!!!

The team headed down to Sydney for the Chinese New Year regatta at Darling Harbour last weekend and as usual took over the town!  A few of us arrived early on the Friday and met up for happy hour and then headed down to Chinatown for dinner, a definate highlight of the weekend. Watching the fantastic lion dancers from the top windows of the restaurant and then having them come up to our tables for good luck made the night.  I don't think the poor waiters knew what hit them when we arrived!! ;-)

Saturday we were let loose on the town, paddy's markets, city shopping and boat tours on the harbour the order of the day.  Dinner at the Dry Dock Hotel in Balmain finished the day off well.

Sunday was regatta day.  We arrived early to secure a spot under cover hoping to hide from the rain that was predicted, luckily it didn't arrive till after our races had finished (the god's smiling down on us I think!).  Always fun and exciting paddling on Darling Harbour.  Pretty thrilling for the spectators too wondering will the boats stop before the wall!  

Now to plan for next year!

Happy Hour at the Ibis :-)

Who are those masked pinkies??!!

The fantastic Lion Dancers
@ dinner  in Chinatown

Dinner at the Dry Dock in Balmain.

"Tough Tatts"  maybe they'll give us "dragon power"!!

Pow Wow time.  

Go Girls!

Flowers on the Water Ceremony